With PatSeer on demand training videos, you will find newer (practical) way of patent searching, analytics and project sharing. You can also stay updated with latest tips and tricks on patent searching and analytics. These training videos will take you from the basics to advanced features of the platform.

PatSeer Pro – Auto Cleanup

This video covers how you can use different cleanup tools that will assist you with data standardization, deduplication and enrichment. This video will cover the following areas:

  • Introduction to Auto Cleanup
  • Different auto cleanup features and how can use those in your analysis
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PatSeer Pro Live Demo

This video covers PaSeer Pro features and capabilities which will allow you to deeply analyze the data within the project:

  • Introduction to PatSeer Pro
  • Demonstration of various Analytics tools that allow you to conduct technology landscaping and competitive intelligence projects
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Understanding Search Form and Search Aids in PatSeer – I

This training video covers basic search forms in PatSeer like Quick Search/ Simple Search/ Number Search/ Natural Language Search and their associated search aids or tools that can help you with searching. This video will cover the following areas:

  • Quickly lookup a company or a keyword (Quick Search)
  • Create a complex query by combining multiple fields
  • Add related search terms to an existing search query
  • Include any left out assignee or inventor name variations or misspellings
  • Search for terms that should be present or optionally present and should not be present (Simple Search)
  • Search for numbers
  • Search free text and view similar records
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Understanding PatSeer Search Syntax – I

This training video covers basics of search syntax of PatSeer and other aspects related to syntax used in PatSeer. This video will cover the following areas:

  • Search operators used in PatSeer
  • Search Symbols
  • Common mistakes that beginners do in Patseer
  • Most popular field codes
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Understanding PatSeer Search Syntax – II

This training video covers how PatSeer’s unique “hybrid” search engine works and can be used as a dual-family definitions engine or a publication based engine. This video will cover the following areas:

  • Forming search queries using additional fields and operators
  • How to conduct chemical searches
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Search Scripting in PatSeer

This web training video covers how you can build complex queries with ease in steps, with the help of search scripts. The video puts light on how and where you can create individual search statements and combine those with Boolean operators. This 12 min video will cover the following areas:

  • How you can manage your searches well
  • Form really complex queries
  • Export all the sequence of searches that you have done which is useful for your search reports
  • Create a separate log for each of the search projects when you are running multiple search projects at a time
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Generating Multi-dimensional Charts in PatSeer

This web training video covers how you can plot multi-dimensional and cross dimensional charts in PatSeer. Use this video to understand how you can find answers to queries with ease as opposed to viewing a set of predefined charts. The 16 min web video will cover the following areas:

  • Publication trend for assignees
  • Comparing portfolios of records across classes
  • Assignee portfolio spread across different technical segmentation
  • Number of patents and pending applications for assignees
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Patent Searching using PatSeer

This Web video will covers the Coverage and search capabilities of PatSeer Global Patent Database. It will be a good opportunity for users to see learn more about the Search forms, searchable fields and search syntax of PatSeer. Use this web video to discover the unique “hybrid” search engine and Semantic Search capabilities that make PatSeer standout.The 60 min web video will cover the following areas:

  • Introduction to PatSeer, its coverage and overview (10 min)
  • Understanding PatSeer Content and integrated dual family definitions
  • Overview of the different search forms and searchable fields in PatSeer
  • Demonstration of various Search tools that aid your search strategy creation process
  • Search Scripting and forming complex Boolean queries in steps
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Patent Analysis using PatSeer

This Web video covers the Search result review, analysis and visualization capabilities of PatSeer. PatSeer includes one of industry’s most powerful integrated filters that are flexible and very easy to use. Further its user-driven multi-dimensional capabilities approach focuses more on helping you find answers to your queries with ease as opposed to viewing a set of predefined charts. This web video will take a deep dive into showcasing these capabilities. This 60 min web video will cover the following areas:

  • Introduction to PatSeer and its coverage and overview
  • Result review and working with various views
  • Investigating single record/families using Family Tree, Legal Status Timeline, Citation Tree and Co-citation analysis
  • Integrated filters and how they help in narrowing down quickly and efficienly
  • Multi-dimensional analysis and visualizations using column/line/bubble/heatmap and other charts
  • Analysis using custom categories and custom fields in Projects
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Patent Research and Collaboration using PatSeer Projects

This web video covers the capabilities of Projects in PatSeer and how they can help you execute complex Patent Projects online. PatSeer Projects includes most tools needed by a Patent Researcher in a Patent Project such as Custom Fields, Hierarchical Categorization, Patent Dashlets® and Scoring. With a wide range or Sharing and permission settings, they double as a web-based collaboration platform between you and your colleagues/customers. This video will be particularly useful to those professionals seeking to engage their internal or external clients in more compelling ways and increase the scope of offerings. The 60 minute video will include:

  • Introduction to PatSeer and its coverage and overview
  • Projects in PatSeer, Key capabilities and why they are not just folders
  • Permissions Groups and how you can control the who and what of a Project
  • Patent Dashlets® and Collaboration
  • Sample Project Collaboration and Sharing Case Studies
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